Sunday, June 5, 2022

Do What Matters

It is Sunday evening, and I have not spent any time writing this blog or anything else. I have cleaned the house (a little), painted the front door, grocery shopped, walked the dogs, and connected with my family and friends. We ordered dinner out, so that is a big bonus, and now I feel pressed to write this blog for you. No one is forcing me to do it, but I promised myself that I would blog on Sunday evening to keep up with my writing skills and try to develop some coaching wisdom for my reader (you). I used to blog every Sunday, and I may do so again, but my life coach challenged me to skip a few weeks to challenge myself to focus on another project that I am working on. Blogging is part of my to-do list on Sunday, and that list is often very long. 

Did I get my whole to-do list done today? Nope. Did I get the blog written? Yes, if you are reading it now, I guess I did. Why am I feeling stressed about the things left on the to-do list? Because I think that I should have done more. This thought is very familiar; my brain offers it to me almost daily. 

Another interesting fact about today is that it is my birthday. So, what can I say about today? It was great! As I get older and another birthday comes and goes, I need to focus on what matters more than work and my to-do list. Those things are me, my family, and my friends.

The thought that I “should” do anything is totally optional. We waste a lot of time shaming ourselves over “shoulds.” Try to let that go and replace it with more encouraging thoughts like, maybe I did everything I wanted to do. I did the most important things today. The time I took out of my day to connect with family and friends is most important to me, so today was a practically perfect day. The fact that I survived another year is pretty cool too. I hope to keep that one going.

When you think about what you want to do each day, take time to plan some family and friend time. Text your kids, phone your parents, or invite a friend over for dinner. Work will always be available to you, with your to-do list that is a mile long. Time and connection with people you love and love you, will fade away if you don’t take some time to build those relationships. 

Plan to do what matters.

Dr. Julie Cappel

“The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of the things that matter least.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“In the end, these thing matter most. How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?” - Buddha

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Focus In

“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” Greg Anderson

This quote spoke to me this morning as I was preparing to write this blog. I tend to think that the weekends are for accomplishment and not self-care or rest. How much can I get done? I have a to-do list as long as my arm and as a new week begins, I feel overwhelmed as the list of things unaccomplished hangs over my head.  

For example, today, I planned to get some flowers planted in my yard, but it is raining outside. This is disappointing. Hopefully, it will clear up this afternoon so that I can plant, but I can choose to feel happy anyway. I also wanted to exercise, and I had my heart set on a long bike ride, but there is the rain, and my hip is bothering me from last week’s ride; I feel as if I am missing out by resting or staying indoors.  

What would my life coach say? Good thing I have a life coach easily accessible, wink. I will share with you the advice that I am offering to myself, just on the off chance that you are feeling overwhelmed this week.

When you feel overwhelmed with life, the best thing you can do is “focus in” on yourself. I mean being present in the moment and present with yourself - feeling grounded and getting reacquainted with your wants and needs. Focus on what you want, not just what your family, society, or workplace expects from you.  

Am I overwhelmed because I have thoughts that I “should’ be productive? Do I need flowers today, or do I want to have the pleasure of choosing and planting them? There is a difference, and planting to make my neighbors think my house looks great is a different goal than I want to plant because I enjoy it.

When you are overwhelmed, focus in on your self-care plan, or if you don’t have one, make one. Healthy foods, sleep, relaxation, reading, or meditation will help you feel less stressed by that giant to-do list. With my hip upset by biking, what else can I do to accomplish my exercise goal? Maybe a little yoga? That sounds nice, or maybe I can just rest.  Self-care is much more critical than any line item on my list.  

Take a break from self-judgment. It is a reality that we all have days when we are not feeling strong, and then we are required to slow down and focus on getting healthy by resting or whatever it takes to care for our body. Practice a little compassion and love for yourself.

Do something that you enjoy to help get yourself back on track. I may be feeling overwhelmed by my thoughts on my to-do list, but if I schedule a break into my day and do something that I love, I will have a better attitude when I face my list. Overwhelm does not inspire action, but a relaxed, rejuvenated mind will. Take a walk, clear your head, then work on one thing on that list, staying present in the activity.

Do not compare yourself to others. Comparison is a big one for me. I have this competitive thought that everyone is more productive and focused than I am. The comparison game is not helpful. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Slow and steady wins the race, creates focused action, and eliminates stress. When I put the social media away and decide to focus on the life in front of me, I am living with much more joy.

Remember to honor your values and make sure you are living “focused in” on them. Do not trade your life for your to-do list.

It has stopped raining, so maybe I will enjoy some planting today or maybe I will focus on rest.

Dr. Julie Cappel

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” Eckhart Tolle

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Celebrate All Mothers

Today is Mother’s Day, and I am happy to say that it was a sunny, beautiful day here in Michigan. Trees are blooming, and flowers are popping up all over, the perfect kind of day to celebrate. Spring is finally here, so I am optimistic about the summer ahead.

As I think about and celebrate Mother’s Day, I feel joy for children and parents that have healthy relationships and feel happy on this day of appreciation for Motherhood. I also feel empathy for those that do not have a reason to celebrate. Children that have lost parents or those that have poor relationships with their mothers. Many people may feel grief on this day.

I have two incredible children, which makes me a fortunate Mom indeed. They are why I do everything, and I would step in front of a bullet for them. I cannot imagine my life without my kids, and I know how blessed I am to have them. I also have an amazing mother (who would probably take a bullet for me), and today I got to spend Mother’s Day with her.


It would be a perfect world if all mothers felt loved the way I do, but sadly that is not the case. 

On this day, I want to offer support to and celebrate all mothers and all children of mothers that do not necessarily feel loved on this day in May. They are all superheroes regardless of their situations, so let’s honor all mothers today.

Let’s celebrate mothers like mine, who had their children as teenagers and raised them with their spouses while working multiple jobs to make ends meet. They raised children as they were growing up themselves, and they struggled to work or put themselves through college while staying committed to raising their families. 

Celebrate working mothers like me who juggle careers, run businesses, keep homes, and struggle with those nagging feelings of guilt that seem to come along with working Motherhood.

Celebrate birth mothers, like my husband’s, that gave up their children for adoption as infants hoping to gift them a better life than they had to offer. These mothers may have never gotten to know their children’s outcomes, and they spend their lives hoping that they did right by giving them up for adoption. 

Let’s also celebrate moms by adoption (also like my husband’s) who choose to adopt and raise a child that was not their own, loving and treating them like birth children, including stepmoms that marry into and run blended families. Stepmoms may share custody of their children with other moms, which adds another increased pressure. 

Celebrate mothers who suffer the loss of children to miscarriage, genetic defects, or birth accidents. They carry love for their unborn children and mourn them for life. Mothers of loss love their children as fiercely as if they held them in their arms and carry them forever in their hearts.

Let’s celebrate and support the mothers that lose children to accident, disease, or mental illness. Those moms are left with a hole in their hearts where their child once was, and they mourn that horrific loss for the rest of their lives. They miss the potential future they will never experience but hold on to precious memories of their beloved child.

Celebrate potential mothers. Those who long to raise children and cannot experience Motherhood for one reason or another. Potential mothers may take on the responsibility of mentoring children that are not their own, becoming mothers in their hearts.

And lastly, let’s celebrate the pet mothers. They are the people that give us our careers as veterinarians, and they share an unconditional love for the voiceless, dogs, cats, horses, birds, and other creatures that we adore. 

As this day comes to a close and passes, try to remember that mothers are superheroes without the cape. Please thank and celebrate all mothers, offer them the love and support they deserve, and thank them for all they do and all they are.

Happy Mother’s Day everyone! 

I love you, Mom!!

Dr. Julie Cappel

“[Motherhood is] the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary – it’s an act of infinite optimism.” — GILDA RADNER.

“Making a decision to have a child–it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” – ELIZABETH STONE.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Grief Teaches Us

This weekend we lost a close family friend to heart disease. It was not unexpected as she had lived with a failing heart for the past few years. Expected but still devastating for her family and friends, who will miss her presence every day. Sadly, I will not attend her memorial service tomorrow as I am in California on a trip with my husband to visit our son and his girlfriend and meet her family and friends. I will be there in spirit with the grieving family as they mourn the loss of their mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and dear friend. 

When life brings us grief, whether it is the loss of a family member or close friend, we are left with a broken heart and a void in our life. The void once contained a loving relationship, and all the feelings and memories we shared with the person lost. 

Our grief will be felt and processed, and through that processing,  we may be reminded that we have lessons to learn and changes to make in our lives. 

We may learn to appreciate our friends and family more. If you look around and realize that there are people in your life that you are taking for granted or have not seen in a while, you may be reminded to reach out to them and spend more time with those you love. Little moments count.

You may realize that life is short, and you need to appreciate your small blessings. You may quit wasting time worrying about little problems or minor disappointments. You may choose not to dwell on mistakes and learn to move on.

You may make changes that reignite your passions in life so you do not miss the time you do have to enjoy. Grief may be carried forward while creating more joy in your life. Both negative and positive emotions may co-exist.  

You may learn to simplify your life. You let go of grudges, envy, and anxiety. You may learn to replace those negative emotions with more gratitude and love. Gratitude is a daily practice that will turn your life in a more positive, optimistic direction.

You may learn to remain present daily and see your life for what it is. You may work harder to get what you want from your life and do what it takes to create your dreams. Grief is not weakness; it creates an ability to be present. It creates more strength. 

You may realize the importance of your memories and the value of appreciating your time with loved ones. Take more photos, share more meals, and create more experience with those that you love. Grief can help you create new and stronger relationships with those still here.  

Check-in with yourself today and reach out to someone special to you. Making relationships a daily practice will increase the beauty and love in your life. 

Dr. Julie Cappel

“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.” Jamie Anderson.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Big Benefits from Journaling

Have you ever heard someone talk about journaling and thought, “I have no idea why I would want to journal or how I go about it.”? I used to think that journaling was something that only very creative, intelligent people routinely did. Great writers, scholars, and big thinkers were the only people that kept journals. Now, I know better. The more I journal and write, the better my life becomes. 

Journaling is about unloading the junk cluttering up your mind and getting it out where you can either leave it, learn from it, or use it to change and grow.  

The best thing about journaling is that there is no right or wrong way to do it. The second best thing about journaling is that we all can do it.

Why journal?

Journaling will reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and improve mental health. A study by Baikie and Wilhelm, 2005 found that journaling enhances working memory and helps people recover from past traumas. Journaling also has the short-term effect of boosting your mood and the long-term impact of improving your sense of well-being. 

Journaling has an impact on physical well-being. An avid journal writer and journalist, Michael Grothaus notes that “studies suggesting journaling can strengthen the immune system, drop blood pressure, help you sleep better, and generally keep you healthier.”

Journaling promotes your creativity, especially if you commit to it every day. It will also facilitate creative learning by establishing a record of important lessons presented to you and allowing you to explore your feelings about those lessons.

Gratitude journaling will boost your overall sense of gratitude and sensitivity to positive experiences. As you look for experiences to be grateful for, you will gradually become more optimistic, and your days will become filled with increasing positivity. 

Journaling may help you meet goals, organize time, prioritize tasks, and improve motivation. I use a “bullet journal” as a daily planner to keep track of what I accomplish each day. The bullet journal contains short (bullet) points to help organize my tasks, capture thoughts, and help complete my daily goals. 

Your journal is for your personal use only, so feel free to put your true self on each page. If you do not already have a journal, start one this week and tell me how it goes. It may feel awkward at first, but write anything that comes to mind. Getting thoughts out of your head will allow you to examine, organize, and grow your life.

Happy journaling! 

Dr. Julie Cappel

References:  Journaling is a good for your mental health - Family Care .... 

5 Helpful Journaling Methods to Calm Your Anxious Mind - Calming Grace.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Calming my Sunday Stress

Sometimes I tend to feel a little stressed on Sunday evenings, thinking that I need to “get things done” to feel accomplished for the weekend. I don’t believe that I am alone in this thinking; we all do it on some level. We waste our valuable time worrying or stressing about all the many things we want to get done. All the stress and worry that we feel distracts us from doing the things we want to do. It is Ironic. Equally ironic is that we do not need to do anything to feel calm and accomplished. We can choose to feel relaxed on Sunday regardless of how our weekend went or how many things got done. 

This weekend was jam-packed for me because I traveled to Norfolk, Virginia, to visit my daughter and son-in-law. My son-in-law, Erik, performed in an Opera, The Marriage of Figaro, starring as the title character. My daughter, Bridget flew in to spend time with Erik and see the show with me. We attended the show opening night, Friday, and again on Saturday night. Erik did a terrific job performing, as did all of the singers. Bridget and I had a fantastic time! 

Note: If you have not been to an Opera, The Marriage of Figaro is a great one to see. The music is fantastic, and the story is funny and entertaining, and you will enjoy it.

Now that I have arrived home, I have stressed over the many things I want to do, including this blog. So how do I remain calm and get something done or choose not to get anything done and still feel accomplished?

To calmly accomplish any task, we first have to stop thinking about how to do it perfectly and start working. If you wait for the perfect idea or time, you will “wait” your time away. Thinking about doing something creates confusion and keeps us from taking action to get it done. If you have a mile-long list in your head and cannot decide where to start, pick something and start. If the idea of choosing something makes you freeze or feel overwhelmed, take a few minutes with a blank sheet of paper and write everything that pops into your head onto the paper. Once you have your brainstorming session out of the way, pick the one thing that is most important to you. This will help you focus and get started. I did this tonight and chose to write this blog first.  

My suitcase, vacuuming, laundry, and calendar planning for this week will be next in line once I get this done. I also have the option to feel good about not getting any of it done. Choosing to cut me some slack and plan some of these tasks for tomorrow is part of caring for myself. It does not all have to be done tonight. Maybe I have done enough today, and that is fine. No one will judge me if I don’t unpack my suitcase and do my laundry tonight. I want to spend my time getting the blog done and not waste my time beating myself up for putting other things off. 

If you have some goal or task that has multiple steps to it, plan those out ahead of time, so you have steps. Small steps are much easier to face than big goals. I also like to set a timer for myself when working on something. If I decide that I will work on blogging, I give myself 1 hour, and I set my cell phone timer for an hour and start writing. The timer keeps me focused, so I do not get distracted by the other things on my list. 

Focus on one project at a time and take one small step. Do not try to wait till the timing is perfect. Just take action and get something started. You do not have to finish any of it, so let go of your need to do everything on your list to feel accomplished. Know that your confusion and stress are optional.  You are perfectly capable of doing more than you think you can do, and also capable of feeling calm while you do them. 


Now that my blog is done, I will plan out the rest of my week, with a relaxed attitude, my planning and working will all go better. 

Dr. Julie Cappel

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Old Friends

Today is the final day of my biannual scrapbooking/crafting weekend with my girlfriends. To call us “girls” is probably a bit of a misnomer. We have been friends since we were in our twenties and now we are parents of adult children in their twenties. We are older and wiser now than when we met, and we have a long-term bond from the years of experiences we have lived through together. We have seen marriages, divorces, babies, pets, teenagers, college journeys, kids’ weddings, illness, loss, vacations, and years of scrapbooking weekends. The conversations we had over these three to four-day weekends could solve all the world’s problems if anyone listened to us. This band of “girls” has seen me through many events in my life, and I know that they will always have my back if something tragic happens.

According to an article written by the Mayo Clinic staff and published on their website, “Friendships: Enrich your life and improve your health.” I agree with that wholeheartedly, and there are so many benefits of making and keeping friends.  

Friends prevent us from feeling isolation or loneliness, providing companionship in times of need. They give us a sense of belonging and help us create purpose in our life. Friends boost our sense of happiness and reduce stress. They improve our self-confidence help us cope with trauma and illness. They encourage us to try new things and get out of our comfort zone. 

They may help you create better health habits by offering challenges. Just last night, I was marching up and down the stairs of the scrapbooking house trying to put in 5000 steps. Two women challenged me to join their stair walking loop to get to the 5000 steps they had decided to set as a goal while being stuck inside. Had they not challenged me to that goal, I probably would not have walked or exercised at all. We usually walk outside, but we experienced blowing snow and seventeen-degree temperatures this weekend, so no one wanted to step outside.

Although it may be challenging to maintain friendships as a busy adult, it pays to meet new friends and keep your relationships with friends from your past. It may take some effort from you to reach out to those you have not seen in a while but persist because it is worth it.

Stay in touch with people you work with or have worked with in the past. Nurture existing friendships by planning events together. These scrapbooking weekends are something that we all look forward to each spring and fall. If these weekends did not exist, I fear that we would not see each other for years. Setting up regular meetings with friends is the best way to nurture close relationships. 

If you feel “short” on friendships, join a club or take a class. I met one of my best friends twenty years ago because we took the same tap dancing class. We met on the first day as we were dancing next to each other, and we have been friends ever since. And we still take tap dancing class.

You can also meet people anywhere people are gathered. Charity events volunteer and opportunities are places to meet a friend. Don’t despair if you strike out the first few times you reach out to try to make a new friend. Be persistent, and you will be surprised how you can create a community for yourself. 

Accept invitations from neighbors or “new” friends. If you are not a theater geek, go to a show with someone. You may be surprised that you enjoy the company, even if you don’t love the show. Expand your horizons to expand your family or friends. 

Friends are essential to health and wellbeing; however, one of the best reasons to make and keep friends is that your life will be more fun. 

Enjoy the time you spend with your friends - laugh, challenge, love, and support. You will be better for the company of old friends. 

Dr. Julie Cappel

"Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together."  - Woodrow Wilson

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Be Happy

Today while walking my dogs, Trent and Parker, through the neighborhood, I received a little message from the universe. (It was a chalk drawing on the sidewalk.) It said, “Be Happy.”

We often forget that it is up to us to choose to be happy, so today’s message was an excellent reminder for me. Happiness does not come from outside sources; it comes from within. How you think about your life’s circumstances determines your level of happiness. If you choose to think happy thoughts or take happy action, you can feel more joy.

That being said, there are some ways that you can work to increase your capacity to feel happy.  

Take a walk or run outside. In his book, The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor, teaches that spending time outdoors in the fresh air can improve your happiness. A study found that spending 20 minutes outside in good weather broadened thinking, improved memory, and increased happiness. The American Meteorological Society published another study that found that happiness is maximized at 57 degrees, the exact temperature today when I walked the dogs. 

Spend some time with family and friends. Spending time with people we care for is a fast path to happiness. Smiling, laughing, and sharing life’s stories add to feelings of security and belonging. Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard psychology professor, says, “We are happy when we have family, we are happy when we have friends, and almost all other things we think make us happy are actually just ways of getting more family and friends.” 

Spend time helping others. Spending time and money helping others has been shown to help us feel more happiness. Living generously brings feelings of satisfaction and wellbeing, making us feel happier than people doing things for us. Martin Seligman explains that helping others can improve our own lives; he says, “scientists have found that doing a kindness produces the single most reliable momentary increase in wellbeing of any exercise we have tested.” Think about different ways to serve and give, including your time and money. Helping other people will ultimately help you.

Work on your smile. Today, when I saw the sidewalk chalk, I smiled. The surprise of finding the “Be Happy” message, and the lovely day with my dogs, made me feel happier. It has been proven that smiling improves your mood and even the fake smiling that we do when acting friendly and social causes more happiness. There is a link between your face smiling and the thoughts that cause you to feel increased joy. So try on a smile or laugh to be happy. 

Dr. Julie Cappel

“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” —Omar Khayyam.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Thinking, not overthinking.

Have you ever wished that you could live in the present moment, make firm decisions, and never worry about anything? Many of the world’s most successful and happy people do just that much of the time. They do not spend their time overthinking decisions; they consider the options, make a choice, and deal with the consequences of their decision. 

Overthinking is the primary cause of a worried, unfocused, and unsettled mind. The bad news is that many of us are natural over thinkers, developing a pattern of worry based on our past life experiences. The good news is our thoughts are under our control, and we can learn to overthink less and become more settled.

Before we can change our thinking, we need to become aware of why we worry and overthink. Take some time to explore your past thought patterns and think about your fears. Many of us overthink due to our fear of future failures based on something that happened in the past. We may worry about a client yelling at us, based on the fact that someone yelled at us before. We may overthink a surgery that we had a problem with in the past. 

We want to change our overthinking to make us happier and healthier. Worry and overthinking cause stress and can have emotional and physical tolls on our bodies. Chronic overthinking has been shown to suppress the immune system making us more susceptible to disease. 

How can we change our overthinking?

Work to let go of the past. When negative stories come up in your head, try to accept the past without dwelling there. Learn from your mistakes, but do not fear making more. Strong decisions require that we make the best choice based on the information that we currently have. Worrying about choices from the past will keep you stuck in inaction.

Take control of your emotions. Being present and living in the moment does not mean avoiding your negative emotion. You need to feel your feelings and learn about the thoughts behind your emotion. The more we fight our negative emotions, the stronger they may become. Working on your thoughts will help you to change your feelings.

Focus on solutions. Much of the stress created by overthinking is the thought that there is no solution to our current situation. If you take one small step towards solving the problem, you will start to work out the overthinking paralysis. 

Overthinking may feel normal at times, but it may prevent you from taking action and creating your best life. When overthinking is causing you physical or emotional pain take some small steps to get more focused on the present.

Dr. Julie Cappel

“Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.” - Tony Robbins

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Mindset Matters

The longer I work in veterinary medicine, the more I learn about my mindset and how it matters to my overall life experience. So much of what we feel both physically and mentally comes from our thoughts, whether we realize it or not. I always think of myself as having my head on straight and feeling in control of my life, but when my brain gets stressed and overwhelmed it can derail me.

Much of our mindset is developed during childhood and is developed through our experiences. We can embrace a positive or negative attitude depending on past situations and memories. We can lean towards a fixed or growth mindset depending on whether we were praised more for our intelligence or effort.

Many of us struggle with our negative mindset because we don’t accept ourselves for who we really are. We are focused on how our life should be, and we argue with reality and push ourselves to keep up with others in our circle or social media. In truth, we need to start with self-love and realize our value as unique humans. We are worthy just because God created us. That does not mean that we cannot strive to be and feel happier, but we need to remain faithful to ourselves. You will feel much better if you compare yourself to yourself and not someone else.

A fixed mindset believes that we are born with a fixed amount of intelligence and abilities. A growth mindset believes that with practice and effort, we have limitless potential. We all practice a combination of fixed and growth mindsets, so observe where you are in each circumstance. Do you feel stuck in your abilities or open to learning? It matters what you think about yourself when you are faced with challenges. If you believe that you are helpless, you will remain where you are. If you feel that you can learn and grow, life will open up to you.  

When you feel overwhelmed with your life, surround yourself with positive people who love and support you. Talking and laughing with family and friends can do a great deal to improve your mindset. Family and friends will also help you open up to challenges by supporting you in your goals. We all struggle occasionally, and having a solid support system at home and work is imperative to improving your mindset.

This week I vow to work on my mindset by accepting myself as worthy and appreciating my relationships with friends and family. I will work towards possibilities by embracing growth. Work on your mindset this week because it matters.  

Dr. Julie Cappel

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” - Wayne Dyer.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Practice, patience, and perseverance

Today is Super Bowl Sunday, and I am watching along with about 100 million other people. This year the big game features the LA Rams and the Cincinnati Bengals playing at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles. The pregame build-up on NBC, including the players' backstories, always reminds me of a very simple life lesson that we can all take away from the spectacle. Practice, patience, and perseverance are three main ingredients needed to create success. 

To reach the pinnacle of your profession, you must continually practice your craft. To practice is "to perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly to improve or maintain one's proficiency." In the book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell says that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. As veterinarians and leaders, we are familiar with the fact that we need to improve continuously. We may struggle with the mistakes that inevitably come with practice, but the only way to learn and grow is to continue to work at it. 

Patience is a virtue, but we don't always think of it as getting us ahead in life. Patience, it turns out, is what most people at the top of their game possess. Take Matthew Stafford, for example. He played with the Detroit Lions for 12 seasons before moving to LA. Now he is playing in the Super Bowl. You might say that he ran out of patience with the Lions, but he stayed there, perfected his craft, then pushed forward to get where he wanted to go.  Those who lack patience will invariably quit before making it to the top. Veterinarians practice patience every day with clients and with pets. Although patience is not my strongest quality, I know I have to embrace it to stay present and engaged for my work.

Perseverance is "persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success." Perseverance also involves patience and the ability to take rejection and failure. The author of the Harry Potter Series, J.K. Rowling, manually typed out each version of her first book to send to publishers because she could not afford a computer. She was rejected twelve times before finding a publisher whose daughter loved her book. If she had not persevered, we would not have the books, the movies, and the theme park at Universal Studios, Orlando, and J.K. would not have piles of cash.

I hope you enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday, even if you only watch the game for the commercials or the half-time show. Remember that even the silly commercials took practice, patience, and perseverance to create. Anything worthwhile does.

Dr. Julie Cappel

Build Your Enthusiasm!

I am on a road trip with my husband today, and we stopped at a McDonald's for coffee and a bit of breakfast; you see, we were supposed t...