Sunday, June 5, 2022

Do What Matters

It is Sunday evening, and I have not spent any time writing this blog or anything else. I have cleaned the house (a little), painted the front door, grocery shopped, walked the dogs, and connected with my family and friends. We ordered dinner out, so that is a big bonus, and now I feel pressed to write this blog for you. No one is forcing me to do it, but I promised myself that I would blog on Sunday evening to keep up with my writing skills and try to develop some coaching wisdom for my reader (you). I used to blog every Sunday, and I may do so again, but my life coach challenged me to skip a few weeks to challenge myself to focus on another project that I am working on. Blogging is part of my to-do list on Sunday, and that list is often very long. 

Did I get my whole to-do list done today? Nope. Did I get the blog written? Yes, if you are reading it now, I guess I did. Why am I feeling stressed about the things left on the to-do list? Because I think that I should have done more. This thought is very familiar; my brain offers it to me almost daily. 

Another interesting fact about today is that it is my birthday. So, what can I say about today? It was great! As I get older and another birthday comes and goes, I need to focus on what matters more than work and my to-do list. Those things are me, my family, and my friends.

The thought that I “should” do anything is totally optional. We waste a lot of time shaming ourselves over “shoulds.” Try to let that go and replace it with more encouraging thoughts like, maybe I did everything I wanted to do. I did the most important things today. The time I took out of my day to connect with family and friends is most important to me, so today was a practically perfect day. The fact that I survived another year is pretty cool too. I hope to keep that one going.

When you think about what you want to do each day, take time to plan some family and friend time. Text your kids, phone your parents, or invite a friend over for dinner. Work will always be available to you, with your to-do list that is a mile long. Time and connection with people you love and love you, will fade away if you don’t take some time to build those relationships. 

Plan to do what matters.

Dr. Julie Cappel

“The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of the things that matter least.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“In the end, these thing matter most. How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?” - Buddha

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