Sunday, March 1, 2020

“So Busy” – Creating an Abundance Mindset

So many days in our busy veterinary hospital we become overwhelmed, stressed out, and ultimately burned out by the sheer volume of tasks that have to be done in a short period of time.  I was reminded of this fact on Saturday as we worked a full schedule with two fast-paced veterinarians. We were running from room to room treating ear infections, giving vaccines, reading radiographs, and ordering blood tests.  The technicians that worked with us were doing everything from blood draws and nail trims, to anal glands and urinalysis.  They seemed just as overwhelmed and stressed as we were.  As we all ran around -- doing our best to attend to the many pets and people that were visiting us -- it occurred to me that instead of being stressed that we are too busy, maybe we should be grateful that we are so busy.  Maybe having all of those clients and pets in our reception area is more of a blessing than a curse.  It reminded me that we need to remember to focus more on the abundance that we are offered, rather than focusing on a scarcity mentality.
Our habit is to focus on scarcity.  A scarcity mindset comes from a place where we think that there is a limit on valuable things in the world.  We believe that there is only so much that we can accomplish or achieve because someone else already accomplished it.  We see other people with success and think that there is no success left for us because they have it all.  People with a scarcity mindset will focus on self-preservation and resentment.  They will be closed off to creative thinking and possibilities.  If we focus on scarcity on a busy Saturday, we will feel stressed about all the things that we have to do.

An abundant mindset says that there is plenty of everything out there in the world for everyone.  Enough time, enough money, and enough resources for all.   If we embrace that way of thinking, a reception room full of clients becomes something that we desire rather than dread.  The change in mindset allows us to look at the situation differently and allows us to be more creative and positive as we navigate the day. 

How do we change from a scarcity to an abundance mindset?

Choose to see everything as an opportunity rather than a duty.  When challenges come, think of them as a way to be creative with your solutions.  Ask your team for ideas to be more effective at getting the tasks done.   Realize that you control the way you choose to react and set an example to your team by reacting with positive energy.   See the pet-loaded reception area as opportunity to expand your problem-solving muscle and make more money for your team, rather than taxing and draining your energy.

Remind yourself that you are capable and more than enough for this career.  You are uniquely qualified to handle every case that comes through the door.  When scarcity thoughts start to creep in on you, change your thoughts to those of gratitude and strength.  Thinking confident thoughts will alleviate any stress that you may feel, and you will be better able to enjoy the company of your clients and their pets.

Appreciate your team.  Try to see each busy day as an opportunity to observe the wonderful talented people that work with you.  Look for the positive characteristics and actions of your hospital team.  As you offer words of encouragement to those around you it will foster a more positive outlook for yourself.    Appreciate your clients and their pets as well.  If you look for things that are positive about them rather than the negative, you will always be more inclined to have abundance in mind.

 The next time you have an extremely full day, choose an abundance mindset.    Developing an abundance outlook will positively influence your team and keep you from going down the road to stress and burn-out.  

Choose so busy over too busy.

Dr. Julie Cappel

 “When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears.”
― Anthony Robbins

 “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.” Let your mindset be your biggest asset!  
-       William James

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