Sunday, March 8, 2020

We all worry.

I have said it before and I will say it again, I have a struggle with worry.  Last week it was worry about my health, this week it is worry about an upcoming presentation that I have scheduled.  Worry seems to be firmly rooted in my DNA in a way that seems to follow me, but through my life coaching I have learned some proven ways to deal with my worry and stop it from becoming full blown anxiety. 

There are times in life when a little worry seems appropriate to the circumstance.  When preparing for a presentation, like I will be doing this week.  A little worry can keep me on my toes.  How many people will be there, how will the traffic be, how well will the audience respond, or will I be interesting?  All the things my brain brings up.   It is also somewhat normal to worry a bit before a job interview or perhaps a first date. 

Why do we worry?  The worry is our brain wanting to protect us from all the terrible things that could happen, but it is seldom productive.

When we worry too much our body produces stress hormones that can cause us physical issues.  When we do not appropriately deal with stress or worry, it can get out of control and cause us to spiral into anxiety. The definition of anxiety is, “a nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive behavior or panic attacks”.

How do we keep our minor worries from becoming anxiety?

Examine your thoughts.  Being present in the moment and really looking at your thoughts will help you sort out the imagined danger from the reality.  The fact that I have a presentation is not really anxiety provoking until I imagine the worst.  If I realize that my imagination is making up worst case scenarios, I can stop my imagination and examine the facts.  Once I have sorted through the facts and thoughts, I can see that I am not in any real danger.  I can think better to feel better; letting go of the worry and preventing anxiety.

Do not try to avoid your feelings.  When we worry about our worry it compounds and gains strength.  The physical feelings of rapid heart rate, nervous sweating, upset stomach or lightheadedness will not have the power over you if you are willing to feel them all the way through.  Allow yourself to feel them and realize that they are being created in your mind. Breathe deeply and accept that you are feeling worried.   If you are unafraid of the feelings that worry and anxiety bring, they will pass faster with less power over you.   When we try to avoid feeling our feelings, we create more anxiety with the internal fight.

Do not procrastinate. We have a tendency to let worry and anxiety cause us to put off what we really want to do.  We get caught in the thought loop of negativity that will stop us from progressing.  When we procrastinate, we are giving into the power of the worry and anxiety.  If we decide to take action in spite of our worry, we will accomplish more and gain the strength it takes to face the next obstacle.  Taking action even when you feel worried will help push you forward towards your goals and dreams.  Taking one small action will cause the worry to dissipate. 

Keep your feet on the ground and breathe deeply when worry and anxiety arrive.  If you are struggling, reach out for help.  We all feel worry and anxiety at some point in our lives and you are not alone.  Be grateful that you have the ability to understand yourself and feel any emotion.  The ability to understand yourself and why you worry is the first step in overcoming your stress, worry, and anxiety.

Dr. Julie Cappel

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.”
― Corrie Ten Boom

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