Sunday, February 23, 2020

God and Rocky

Today was a beautiful Sunday in Michigan, over fifty degrees and sunny all day.  Stark contrast to the cold grey days that we usually have in February.  A nice change after a tough week for me.  This morning I asked my husband to go to church with me to see if I could get a better understanding of exactly what God was trying to teach me through my challenges.   We are long time church members, but we do not attend every week.  Today I felt the need.  The preacher that gave the message was new to me, but he spoke with passion, was funny and entertaining.  The things that he said landed firmly on my mind and heart, just as I had hoped.  I felt much better coming home with a new sense of purpose, trust and patience. 

Just after we arrived home, my son texted me and asked me if I liked to watch boxing. Apparently, he had watched some boxing matches the night before and was intrigued by them.   I told him that I was not a big fan of boxing unless it was Rocky Balboa in the Rocky movies.  If you have read my blogs before you know that I have a love for all things Sylvester Stallone and Rocky.  I have been a huge fan since I was a teenager (which was a long time ago).  The lessons from Rocky’s journey through life can all be summed up into one word, perseverance. Exactly the message that I was getting from the church. 

Perseverance is the persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.  The difficulty in life comes almost every day, but there are often very tough times when we are particularly well tested in our ability to persevere. 

How can we learn from God and Rocky to better persevere?

Live in the present.  I do not always remember this lesson, but it is an important one.  If we worry about the future or fret about the past, we will be distracted from what we can do now to get ahead.  Living in this moment is all that we have. 

Maintain optimism.  I am usually a very optimistic person, but sometimes my primitive survival brain gets the best of me and causes me to become a pessimist.  Notice your negative thoughts and decided on purpose to create more positive ones.  If you need help, as most of us do, turn to a friend or family member to help you create more optimistic thoughts. 

Just keep working.  Push ahead and keep busy even when things get tough.  Going through rough times is exhausting, but the worst thing we can do is give up and stop moving.  Try one new thing each day to get the result that you want.  Keep your eye on the goal and move ahead with your work.  

I know that with God all things are possible, and with Rocky you will never quit.  When you live in the present, maintain optimism, and just keep punching; you can meet life’s challenges with resilience and grace.

God first, Rocky second.

Dr. Julie Cappel

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

“Going in one more round when you don’t think you can – that’s what makes all the difference in your life.” - Rocky Balboa

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