Sunday, January 23, 2022

It is only one test.

This Friday, as I was casually scrolling through Instagram, I noticed that many of the veterinary students and new graduates were anxiously awaiting the scores of their NAVLE. The North American Veterinary Licensing Exam is the 360 questions multiple-choice test that veterinarians must pass to get their veterinary license in the United States and Canada. It is not enough for these students to get through four grueling years of veterinary school; they must also pass this monster, seven and one-half hour exam. Some Instagram stories contained videos of students along with their families opening the passing scores and cheering wildly. While I was typing messages of congratulations to those that passed, I couldn’t help thinking about those that did not. Those students must be devastated. 

There were no Instagram videos of the shock and sorrow of those that received a score of less than 425. I can only imagine the disappointment and panic they must feel when they miss the mark and realize that they need to take the exam again or give up their dream of veterinary medicine. Many of them have jobs lined up or need to work to pay back student loans.

How can we support our veterinary community when they face a failure like this or any other?

Listen and express empathy. When someone fails, they need to go through all the stages of grief before they are ready to move on. Depending on the gravity of the failure, they may spend much of their time grieving. As a friend or mentor, you can be there to support them and listen to their fears and frustrations. Having a safe, understanding friend is the best thing for someone during grief.

Help them to see the other side of their failure. Sometimes when we fail, we cannot see beyond failure to solution. As a friend, you may see several solutions to the problem at hand. If you offer solutions and remain open as they consider those solutions, it will go a long way in making them feel supported. When they feel supported, they will have an easier time overcoming self-doubt to find a way to try again.

Failure never defines you, but it is one of the things that often makes life difficult. Failure will always be on your pathway to succeed. The NAVLE is just one test on one day, and keeping that in mind will allow you to see it for what it is, a few wrong answers on an exam. Take some time to care for yourself then make a plan and get back to work. You will be stronger from this experience.  

Dr. Julie Cappel

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” - Robert F. Kennedy.

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