Sunday, October 17, 2021

Do one good thing

The universe offered me a message this week wrapped up in three experiences. Happiness is created by helping others. 

I have always been one to believe and live by this statement. I love to give to others and try to help when and where I can. This week I received some reminders, loud and clear, from three different experiences. I decided to pass my message and those lessons on to you so you can create more happiness.

Monday, I was honored to record a podcast with some beautiful and brave women who shared their heartbreaking and inspiring stories of infertility, miscarriage, and infant loss. During that powerful podcast, they talked about how people need to be open to helping others in times of struggle and grief. So many times, we may know someone is grieving, but we are unsure of what to do. These women reminded me that just checking in with people you know are down will make them feel less alone. Doing simple tasks like providing a meal for them or doing laundry when you know they are sad goes a long way to help them work through grief. When we feel unsure how to help another, we often leave them alone, thinking they do not want to be bothered. In reality, when we do not reach out with support, we discount their grief and loss.  

Yesterday, I read a Facebook post from a veterinarian dropping out of a veterinary support group because many people were not offering needed support. She posted a case of hers asking for help from the group and experienced harsh critiques of her medical decisions and snarky comments in place of kind words. She was discouraged by the lack of consideration and the absence of support the group was formed to offer. What a shame that the same group that was supposed to help her had now turned on her. 

This morning, I attended a church service, and the message was all about the value of helping others. We were designed to need others' help and to help others in need. Whether you believe in God or some other universal spirit energy, it is evident that helping others feels good. Helping other people has been proven to provide the giver with more health, happiness, and purposeful existence. Acts of kindness and generosity stimulate the brain to feel great, so in a sense, it creates happiness.

Give by focusing on your passion. When you love what you do and give from a place of that love, your happiness will be multiplied. You do not always have to provide materially but be generous with your time. Just sitting with someone in their time of need will help them cope better and allow you to feel closer to them. Allow yourself to think ahead to what others may need. Being proactive in your giving will surprise the receiver and bring more joy. 

Try to look at your generosity this week and see if you can step it up. When you see others benefitting from your good works, you will open up to more feelings of happiness.

I believe that Goldie Hawn once said, "Giving back is as good for you as it is for those you are helping because giving gives you purpose. When you have a purpose-driven life, you're a happier person."

Do one good thing. 

Dr. Julie Cappel

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