Sunday, July 4, 2021

What about now?

The busier I get in my life, the more I work to live in the moment.  Life is fast and fleeting so learning to live in the moment is a personal skill that it pays to develop. It is a difficult concept to remember as we go through our day-to-day life because our thoughts are usually consumed with past regrets and future worries. Learning to overcome regrets, remaining in the present moment, and appreciating your life will be the most important skills you will ever know if you want to be more productive and fulfilled.

So then you ask, how do I do it? How do I stop ruminating on past adverse events and worrying about the future?  

It takes work and focus. Work to understand yourself and the stories about your past, and focus on getting your mind in a place of calm concentration so you can be open to the moment in front of you. If you think you are hopeless and cannot control your thoughts, you are so wrong. We have the capacity to work hard to get stronger and better in every aspect of our lives. 

Start with noticing your story. We all have stories that we have held onto for a very long time. Things that we think are continuing to affect us and holding us back. One of mine is that I do not know how to cook. Just yesterday, I was planning a meal, and I had to fight my story that I could not cook well. I decided to stay in the moment of preparing the meal and shopping for the ingredients without judgment or fear of failure. Working to let go of my story allowed me to stay in the moment with my meal planning.  I actually enjoyed my shopping trip, and I usually hate grocery shopping. 

Pay attention to your thoughts. When you want to feel more connected to the present, notice what you are thinking. If the thoughts are about something other than what you are doing, refocus on the present. Pay attention to the details of your experiences. Open yourself up to staying in touch with the emotions that come in each moment. If you are in control of your feelings, you are grounded in the present.

If you feel yourself spinning in thoughts of the past or future worries, calm your mind by controlled breathing or simple meditation. Quiet your brain to get more focus, then allow yourself to notice the moment. Remember that staying in your present is how life gets better. You cannot change the past or predict the future, but you can enjoy your now. 

Dr. Julie Cappel

“Forever is composed of nows.” ― Emily Dickinson.

 “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” ― Eckhart Tolle, 

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