Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Spring Abundance

This weekend we celebrated Easter, and the day could not have been more beautiful.  Springtime in Michigan is the time that everything starts to feel better.  The sun shines brighter, and the flowers and trees begin to bloom.  The past year has been challenging, so spring 2021 feels more optimistic than ever.  As we emerge from the pandemic and open up the world, we can appreciate what we have.  Spring is a time to feel grateful and enjoy living an abundant life.

I just have to look around a bit to appreciate all the great things that I have. A stress-filled day at work feels better if I embrace the kind words of a long-time client. When a client treats one of my team members with rudeness — and they often do — I encourage them to acknowledge all of the other clients that were patient and grateful for our services.  Even people that are challenging will push you to grow. If you let it, the contrast of good and bad will help you to feel more grateful for your chosen career. 

When someone is treating you poorly, practice your empathy.  Feeling empathy for someone, rather than joining them in their rude behavior, will allow you to feel more fulfilled.  Empathy is a skill that you can learn and grow stronger with practice. 

Live with a realization that other’s successes or failures are not affecting your success.  There is enough happiness and opportunity to go around, so wishing ill will to others is not productive.  Practicing appreciation for others’ success will ultimately bring you more peace and happiness than jealously ever could. When you see someone with something you want, admire and emulate them rather than envy them.  

As I look back on the changes that we have made since last Easter, I see how I have had to work on myself to stay focused and move forward.  Focusing on abundance and gratitude allows me to realize that I am in charge of my future. To enjoy life, you have to be grateful.  Looking for little blessings makes the everyday challenges seem less severe.  People that achieve success are those that remember to appreciate the good in each day.  They create big dreams and set a positive mindset to push towards those dreams. 

Dr. Julie Cappel 

 “The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.” ~ Marianne Williamson

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