Sunday, November 8, 2020

Life lessons from the seat of my bike.

Today was an unusually beautiful day — seventy degrees and sunny in November — unheard of in Michigan. On a day like today I like to get out on my bicycle and put in some miles on the bike trail near my home.   Because the day was so beautiful there were many people on the trail and in the parks; walking, riding, and even some skateboarding.  Everyone was kind and friendly, and they seemed very happy to be outside on this glorious day. 

As I was riding I started thinking about how much good it does us to get outdoors and exercise.  Not only is it vital to our physical health, it also improves our mental health. Biking outdoors can also teach us some interesting life lessons. 

Exercise feels better when you do it outdoors.  Getting out of the house, especially in this time of Covid, feels great.  After spending 10-11 hours working in my veterinary hospital with a mask over my face, riding in the fresh air is so much more enjoyable.  The fresh air feels better and smells sweeter when you are spending most of your day breathing into a mask. Appreciating something as common as air, puts many things into perspective and helps me to remain grateful.  Grateful that I am healthy enough to ride and that there is fresh air to breathe on the bike trail.  

Bike trails have many turns, hills, and valleys, just like life.  Spending time navigating those turns and paying attention to the ups and downs makes me more focused and alert.  When life changes, it pays to expect the emotions that come with change.  Uncertainty and fear of failure come from our ups and downs.  Allowing and expecting negative emotion makes us stronger and more willing to take on anything. There will always be good and bad in my life and if I am  lucky, more good than bad.  Staying alert for the turns in anticipation of change helps me cope with uncertainty in my life. 

Spending time outdoors in the sunshine also helps to improve my immune system by relieving some stress.  The exercise is good for my heart, builds muscles, and the activity itself distracts me from my problems or in some cases allows me the time to sort them out.  Biking allows for ample time to think and reflect, keeping my stressful thoughts from taking hold.  Many times I solve my problem just by spending time thinking on the bike.   Riding in the sunshine also allows me to absorb some much needed vitamin D.  

It is said that there is no gain without pain, but I say that you can gain so much without pain if you just get yourself outside to exercise.  Focus on the journey, not the destination.  Ride a bike if you are able, but if you can’t just get out and walk. You will meet the best version of yourself there. Happy riding!

Dr. Julie Cappel  

“Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going.”-JILLIAN MICHAELS

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