Sunday, September 29, 2019

You are Uniquely Worthy

This week I was listening to a podcast hosted by Ken Coleman while doing some housework on my day off.  Ken is the author of the book The Proximity Principle and he hosts a podcast for people struggling with career choices and finding their passion and purpose in life.    Ken’s podcast is interesting from the standpoint that he coaches people live on the radio and helps them work through their thoughts in order to help them accomplish their dreams.  Because I love coaching and leadership his show appeals to me.

As I was listening to him coach, he encountered a woman who sounded very discouraged and frustrated about the state of her life and career.  She mentioned something about not feeling worthy of attaining a successful career and expecting adequate pay.   Ken went into a small passionate speech about worthiness and how we are all worthy as humans and we need to embrace that concept.  When I heard him passionately speaking to this subject, it struck me that I have experienced the exact same thing with many of my coaching clients and colleagues in the veterinary field.  The thoughts that we are somehow not worthy continue to hold us back from creating a fabulous life and career. 

I immediately started writing a podcast about this and decided to write this blog today to try to encourage everyone to embrace their unique character and worthiness in the world.

The definition of worthiness is; having adequate or great merit, character, or value -being good enough.

When I think about being good enough, I realize that most of us want to compare ourselves to others in order to feel a sense of self-worth.  We see it as some sort of competition.  Are we more beautiful, more talented, wealthier, or smarter than the next person?  Who decides how much worth we possess? 

In truth, I believe as Ken Colman stated on his podcast that we are all perfectly worthy just because we are human beings placed on this earth.  We are all born with unique talents and ambitions which inherently make us important to the universe.  We all have something to offer and when we do not believe this or embrace the concept, we wallow in self-pity and waste the unique talents that we have been given.

You were born with a uniqueness and inherent worthiness that cannot be denied.  Your past trauma, your mistakes, or your work failures cannot change it. Your opinion of yourself is not regulated by any childhood experiences.  No matter how bad your parents treated you or how many horrible experiences you have had, you can choose to embrace your worthiness and love yourself. 

You are 100% worthy, just because you are a human. 

“Self-worth comes from one thing - thinking that you are worthy.” - Wayne Dyer

Dr. Julie Cappel

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